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SAT 习作修改之中间段(三)

作者:邹燕萍    来源:苏州新东方学校

  3 Are there benefits to be gained from avoiding the use of modern technology, even when using it would make life easier?

  新加坡学生范文(Gao Han)
  At the age of 15, as an exchange student, I was sent to Singapore for one year on an exchange program between my high school, Suzhou High School, and it’s sister school, Lihua High School in Singapore.

  It was computer, a typical example of modern technology, that assisted me in solving quite a few annoying problems. (重要点题)

  It was my first time to go abroad and be away from my family and friends for such a long time. In the beginning, I found it very difficult to adapt myself to the new conditions: I had to speak English under all circumstances and accept a completely new timetable and replaced the old one which had been used for years.

  Every time I had lunch in the school dining hall, the dishes in front of me could always reminded me of traditional Chinese food made by my mother in my own country and therefore strong homesickness was aroused. (营造不适应)

  Thanks to the computer for letting me have access to my family and friends through Internet to alleviate my homesickness. At a particular time, usually at 9p.m., after finishing my academic work, I would have a friendly talk with my parents through MSN or sometimes a warm call with my friends by using SKYPE. I shared my happy and sorrow experiences with them and sent them photos of my current situation. (营造技术)

  With the help of computers, I, in Singapore, could easily contact with my family and friends in China at any time. Also, computers helped me a lot in my schoolwork. It was not easy for me to suddenly switch from studying in Chinese to studying in English. The terminology in textbooks confused me and set barriers in my learning process. It was again computers that solved the problem for me. I took my laptop with me all the time in the library. As soon as I came across something confusing I could go to Wikipedia® and check it out. I used computers to do presentations and save my study profiles as well. (营造适应之后的生活)

  From my personal experience, computers do provide convenience for me and help me deal with problems that cannot be worked out in other ways. I could not imagine what my life in Singapore would be if I had no computers around. Thus I can say that no advantages are to be achieved by the devoid of using modern technology. (总结议论)


  At the age of 16, offered a four-year scholarship by the Ministry of Education in Singapore, I left my homeland China and began to study in River Valley High School in Singapore. But the first few months there almost drove me crazy during which I had to adjust to a brand new circumstance. (背景)

  Precisely, the weather there was more than uncomfortable compared with my hometown ---Suzhou, a medium-sized city in China with a cool and pleasant weather. I could hardly adjust myself to the heat of Singapore. More than that, the language was also a big barrier. All of my teachers and classmates spoke in English with a strange Singaporean accent, which was totally unfamiliar to me. So be it in a class or a restaurant, misunderstanding frequently arose, which greatly hampered my communication with the native people. (营造前两点不适应)

  At the same time, I also came upon another problem, namely, so many unexpected extra curriculums, such as band, choir and badminton. As a typical Chinese student, I paid much of my attention to study since I was a primary school student, hardly playing in the sports field or attending musical groups. But at that time, no one thought it was a problem as most of my teachers would only point at my high scores and laughed broadly. But in Singapore, extra curriculums are an essential index in weighing the overall performance of a student. So I had no way but to attend a choir, but I was at a loss, for I was not accustomed to singing before the audience. (第三点不适应)

  注: 考试时候可以不用三点全写,只需要挑选一到两点即可。

  Fortunately, I got a helper--- my laptop. Every night at 9 p.m, I would turn on my computer, using MSN to communicate my mom and dad. This moment was invaluable to me as I could speak out my inner thoughts, release my pressure and more importantly get the courage to try again.

  My mom was consistently patient and considerate, who gave me comfort and encouragement. In my first few months in Singapore she would often say, ‘Stop complaining. You have to change yourself as you could not change the circumstance. If you feel hot, take off your coat and drink more water. Maybe you feel alienated, but you know we are always standing behind you. You are not alone. If you think you are not good at singing, you could practice more before me and your father. We are forever your sincere fans.’ She drove those words so deep into my heart that I finally made it. (这里重点叙述因特网的重要性)
  Half a year later, I gradually got used to my new life in Singapore. Though it was still hot, I began to enjoy wearing various kinds of nice T-shirts all the year around. Though my classmates and teachers still spoke differently from me, I began to enjoy mimicking their unique accent perfectly. Though I was still a little shy when I was singing before strangers, I began to enjoy my voice. I even became an honorable treasurer of the Scholar Committee organized by the Ministry of Education.
  Looking back, had it not been for the Internet, a fantastic product of modern technology, I would not have brought out the best of me, who could sing happily before a large crowd and talk excitedly with a lot of Singaporean friends in a tropical country. (营造生活变好)

  Therefore, it is clear that the advent of modern technology contributed a lot in offering us a better life. (总结)

  1 动手写属于你自己的素材吧,考官其实非常期待能通过你的例子看到你的最大特质。
  2 准备一些名人的素材, 让自己变的更为学术。
  3 动手写例子。
  4 按类别归类素材。

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