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作者:翟羽翔    来源:雅思教研组


Part 1 (打星号特别重要准备题目)

1. Work or studies

  Do you use computers in your studies/work?
  What do you use them for?
  How do you get along with your colleagues/classmates?  
  Do you do anything with your colleagues/classmates after work/school?
  What do you learn in your course?
  Are there any particular skills that you learn in your studies?
  What do you plan to do after you finish your course?

2. Home or accommodation

  How long have you lived there?
  How are the rooms in your house decorated?/ What decorations do you have in your house?
  How do you think your home could be improved?
  Is there any recommendation you would like to make about your hometown?

3. Private Gardens

  Why do wealthy people like to have a garden?

4. Sport and Music

  In the future, what sports would you like to play (or, take part in / or learn)?

5. The Internet(*)

  Where did you learn to use the internet?
  In general, what impact does the internet have on people's lives?/ How has the internet changed people's lives?
  What kinds of people most often use the internet?

6. Food

  What do you think are the benefits of eating at home, (instead of in a restaurant)?

7. News and Information(*)

  Why do you want to know the latest news?/ How important is it to you to get the news every day?
  Who is more interested in the news or interested in reading newspapers, older people or younger people? (Why?)

8. Holidays

9. Bicycles

  Would you say it's difficult to learn to ride a bicycle?

10. Shopping(*)

  How often do you go shopping?
  Do you prefer to go shopping with family members or with friends?
  What time of the day do you prefer to go shopping?
  What was the most recent thing you bought?
  Do you prefer to buy things in small shops or in big supermarkets and department stores?
  Is there anything you dislike about (going) shopping?

11. Letters

  Do you prefer to receive a phone call or a letter?

12. Handwriting (*)

  Do you often write things? 
  What do you usually write?
  Nowadays, how do most people write things?
  Do you prefer to write by hand or write using the computer? 
  Do you think computers might one day replace handwriting? 
  When do children begin to write in your country? 
  Do you think handwriting is very important (nowadays)? 
  How can children today improve (or, practice) their handwriting?

13. Plans and Goals (*)

  Please summarize your plans for the near future.
  When do you plan to start that?
  How do you intend to achieve that?
  When you go abroad, do you plan to live in the countryside or a big city? (Why?)
  Do you plan to spend many years overseas?
  After you go abroad, do you plan to join any clubs?

14. Cooking(*)

  Who usually does the cooking in your family (or, in your home)?
  What's your favourite dish?
  Do you (ever) do any cooking at home? (Why?/Why not?)
  Do you think everyone should learn how to cook?

15. Museums and Art Galleries

  Would you recommend that schools take their students to visit museums (or, that museum)?

16. Daily Routine (*)

  What do you do in a typical day (at work or at school/university)?
  What time do you usually get up?
  What's your favourite time of (or, part of) the day?
   What do you usually do at that time? (Or: What are you usually doing at that time?)
  Is you life now the same as it was before? 
  Has your life recently changed in any way? 
  If you could change one thing about your daily routine, what would it be? 

17. Travelling (*)

  Do you like travelling?
  Do you like long distance travelling?
  What was the last place you traveled to?
  Which city (or place) that you have been to did you like the most? (Why?)
  Which country would you like to travel to (in the future)?
  What places in China are (or, would be) attractive for foreigners to travel to?
  Why do you think traveling is so popular nowadays?

18. Gifts

  Do you and your friends or family members give each other gifts? 
  Do you often buy gifts for friends or family members?
  What sorts of gifts do you give to your friends?
  What sorts of gifts have you given to your friends?

19. Going Out(*)

  In China, when people go out, do they usually do things alone or do things with others?
  Do you often go out with friends?
  How often do you go out with your friends?
  What do you do when you go out?
  Do you prefer to go out with a large group of friends or just a few friends?
  Do you prefer to go out with just one friend or with a group of friends?
  When was the last time you went out with your friends (or, a friend)? (Include what you did.)

20. Leisure Time(*)

  What kinds of leisure time activities are popular with young people today?
  Do older people like to do the same activities?
  Do you think modern people like to get together with others?
  Do you and your family often get together for a family gathering?
  What do you do at these family gatherings?

21. Reading (*)

  Why do you think some people don't read much today?
  (Or, possibly) What do you think of people who don't read much?

Part 2
  An Organization
  Some Interesting News
  A Good Law
  A Performance
  Something You Would Like to Learn to do
  A Tourist Attraction
  A Time When You Helped Someone
  An Old Person Who You Admire
  A Book You Recently Read
  A Long Journey
  A Gift
  A Photograph
  Someone You Enjoy Spending Time With
  An Important Letter You Wrote
  Your Favourite Season
  Clothing for Special Occasions
  Someone Who is Good at Cooking
  A Work of Art
  A Stage in Your Life you Enjoyed
  An Educational Trip
  Something You Want to Buy in the Future
  Something you did that Helped You Learn a Language
  A Famous Person
  A Success You Have Had
  A Home You Like
  A Sports Event
  A Good Friend
  A TV Program
  A Game You Played As a Child
  A Polluted City
  A Happy Event
  Some Advice You Received
  A Traffic Jam
  A Healthy Habit
  An Interesting Talk
  A Childhood Song or Tune
  A Childhood Toy
  An Historic Site
  A Library
  An Advertisement
  A Family Member
  A Course You Would Like to Study
  A Piece of Good News
  A Future Change
  Your Favourite Part of Your Hometown
  A Childhood Activity
1.An Advertisement((August 26, 2006))

  Describe a piece of advertisement that help you buy something
  You should say
  what Advertisement it is?
  where did you see it?
  what did it help sell
  Explain Why do you decide to buy the product?

2.A Place with a Lot of Water  (Jan 10, 2008)

  Describe a place that you have been to that you liked and that has a lot of water.
  You should say:
  where this place was
  what people did at this place
  why (& when) you went there
  and explain why you liked this place.

3. A Childhood Game  (May 19, 2007) 

  Describe a game you enjoyed when you were a child.
  You should say: 
  what the game was
  when, where and with whom you usually played it
  how you played it
  and explain why you enjoyed this game.
  and explain what was special about this game.

4. A Work of Art (2) (Sept. 6, 2008)

  Describe a sculpture or other work of art that you have seen. 
  You should say:
  when you saw this work of art
  where you saw it 
  what it looked like
  and explain your impression of it.

5. Someone Who is Good at Cooking  (Sept. 6, 2008)

  Describe someone you know who is good at cooking.
  You should say:
  who this person is
  how you know him or her
  what kinds of food they cook
  and explain why you think this person became so good at cooking.

6. Some Interesting News (May 10, 2008)

  Describe an interesting news story you recently read in a newspaper or saw on TV.
  You should say
  when you read or saw this news
  how you got this news
  what the contents of this news story were
  what people were mentioned in this news report
  and explain how (or why) this story was interesting to you.

7. A Polluted Place  (July 7, 2007)

  Describe a place that you have been to that was polluted.
  You should say:
  when and where you went
  why you went there
  what the pollution was like (or, what kind of pollution it was)
  and explain what you think were the causes of this problem.

8. A Gift  (May 10, 2008) 

  Describe a special gift that you recently gave to a friend.
  You should say:
  what the gift was
  when you gave this gift
  who you gave it to
  why you chose this particular gift
  and explain why you chose that particular gift

9. A Traffic Jam

  Describe a time when you were caught in a traffic jam. You should say
  when it happened
  where it happened,
  how you passed the time while waiting
  and explain how you felt when you were in that traffic jam.

10. A Good Law  (May 10, 2008)

  Describe a good law in your country.
  You should say
  what the law is
  how you first learned about this law
  who benefits from this law
  and explain why you think this is a good law.

11. A Person who has Visited your Home  (Jan 10, 2008)

  Describe a person who visited your home.
  You should say:
  who the person was
  when and why they visited your home
  how you spent the time together (or, how you entertained this visitor)
  and explain how you felt about the visit.

12. A Book You Recently Read  (May 10, 2008)

  Describe a book you recently read.
  You should say
  what book it was
  when you read it
  why you read it
  and explain what you liked and (possibly) disliked about the book.

13. A Long Journey  (May 10, 2008)

  Describe a long journey you made.
  You should say
  where you went
  why you went there
  who you went with
  and explain how you felt about this trip.

14. A Photograph (3)  (July 12, 2008)

  Describe a photograph that you like.
  You should say:
  where you saw this photograph
  what (or who) is in the photograph
  why this photograph was taken
  and explain why you like this photograph.
  and explain what was different about this photograph.
        第一部分的题目,总体改变不大,几乎都是旧题目,introduction topic, work or studies, home or accommodation, hometown还是一贯如此的必问环节,当然也多出来10种左右的新问法,但毕竟大背景不变,题目又很贴近考生生活,所以难度较低,作为引入式暖长提问。后面的细节话题明显感觉到是旧题第二三部分的降格版本,如第二部分的travel, news, gift, sports, letter等,但值得注意的是09年第一季度一批新问法的出现,其趋势是将原本第三部分中较为简单的原因解释题以及比较说明题拿到第一部分进行考查。原因解释题有:1. Why do wealthy people like to have a garden? 2. When you go abroad, do you plan to live in the countryside or a big city? And Why? 3. Do you (ever) do any cooking at home? (Why?/Why not?)等。比较说明题的比重就更多:1. What do you think are the benefits of eating at home, instead of in a restaurant? 2. Who is more interested in the news or interested in reading newspapers, older people or younger people? 3. Do you prefer to buy things in small shops or in big supermarkets and department stores? 4. Do you prefer to receive a phone call or a letter? 5. Do you prefer to write by hand or write using the computer? 6. Is you life now the same as it was before? 7. In China, when people go out, do they usually do things alone or do things with others? 8. Do you prefer to go out with a large group of friends or just a few friends? 因此,第一部分的准备上不仅要注意话题的前期准备,更为重要的是细节问题中原因解释和比较说明的阐述能力的训练。

      第二部分的题目,看似更新最快,最多,但本质上依然是旧题目的拓展,只不过多出了一些范围或者修饰语来进行话题的细化。如今年起频繁考到的法律类问题,诸多考生,尤其是初高中生对此类题目,接触不多,关注甚少,以致发挥极不稳定,其实法律类问题从08年的3月10日就开始考查,08年就考查了26次,早已成为热点考题,只不过09年考查从之前的a good law变成如今可能考查到的 a piece of interesting law, break law, captial punishement等等话题。此种题目推演变体现象很广,希望考生从以下所给的旧热点题拓展思维,积极备考:06年8月开考,09年考查10次左右的广告类问题,07年5月19日开考,至今考查32次左右的童年游戏,08年9月6日开考,至今考查22次左右的cooking类问题,许多老题变体重点都在之前列出,参见前面的列表,这里就不再冗赘了。至于第三部分,因为毕竟是有第二部分延伸出来的一系列问题,所以在准备之时还是因为按照第二部分的题目,从列举事例,比较说明,原因解释,未来展望,优劣对比等角度去思考。雅思考试本无所谓考前题目的确定,但有的放矢的准备,终将在考场上取得优异的成绩,祝各位考生在第二季度中能取得佳绩。

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